The daily grind can be a blessing or a curse, having to divide our days between a personal life, and business careers. Too often these lines are blended, or entirely too far apart. How do you bring the harmony back to both?
Personal Life:
We seek personal fulfillment, adhere to responsibilities, and strive for contentment in our daily walk. Family and friendships make up the foundation and structure to our nature, and drive us to seek marked improvements in other areas of life. The reward and payments come in many forms – we call it growth.
Business Life:
A wild and frequently changing landscape, business life gives us another avenue for personal fulfillment, responsibilities, and the desire for contentment. If you’re on of the proud few that find happiness in your career – you are truly blessed. Self improvement can also occur in this environment. The paycheck is always a nice reward for these efforts.
84% of work related issues amongst teams and cohesive units is a failure to allow personal lives within business, and business that interferes with personal lives…
There isn’t much of a difference between these two atmospheres once we write it out and consider the generalities. For the business owners, often the hardest hit by success or failure of harmonious blending of Personal and Business – we fully understand.
Creating Harmony, versus Repairing Harmony
Consider what is at stake: Time. Whether at home or on the job, time can be a close friend, or a vicious enemy. Consider who experiences this phenomenon: Everyone.
Thankfully, all human beings share in this plight – the core common ground that can make or break relations down range. There are ample life-coaches, therapies, and help guides on personal life improvements and business leaders can certainly influence a teams personal life. However, you can take immediate action by bringing attention to these common denominators we all share. Time is money. Time is a precious gift.
Leaping past the difficult decisions, making decisions as a leader for the best interests of the business and the teams, is the burden of responsibility. Leaders embrace this burden and bring their teams through it, in unison.
Be fearless to remind family, friends, and business teams that awareness of the common threads we all face together – and you will find the time to enjoy the creatives of both worlds.