The pace of technology changes were painful and slow just several years ago. What used to be annual or monthly, is now daily and hourly. How to keep up with this madness?
As new technologies make way to new decisions and considerations – it’s more apparent than ever the skills necessary for navigation through these days-of-change are not found in applications, hardware or software. Though, meant to make our lives easier it did not exactly work out that way. Technology today is a Top 10 stress item.
From CyberSecurity worries to protecting our businesses and families from threat actors in person or across the planet – technologies meant to ease our stress and bring us closer to one another has led the planet to almost total chaos.
5Paragraph has to leverage legacy and new technology just like everyone else, so be advised it’s understood what you feel. One thing remains consistent – PEOPLE.
People can re-connect, adapt, improvise, and succeed without technology. It requires no ‘latest tech gadget’ or ‘high priced software’ to say Hello, Thank You, or lend a hand to our fellow humans in any area of life. Common sense right?
Remember to be thoughtful, and use technology wisely. It can absolutely leverage personal relations, and working teams. Email may have replaced the written letter, but consider the limitless power of a hand-written note today. You can change entire atmospheres. Kooky how this shift is upon us. We are truly in this together, so just follow your hearts and follow the pen.